Heart and S(e)oul
Heart and S(e)oul
Hello, my stylish friends! The title says it all, doesn’t it? Before lockdown, I certainly took for granted human contact. Even today, hugs seem irresponsible! The media shows the world crumbling at our fingertips, and many of us experience first-hand the worst of humanity. Turbulent, surreal, eye-opening—we could list a plethora of words to describe one hell of a year but let us instead circle back how friends and family went to show empathy and kindness.
For example. as much as we jokingly bicker with each other, I have deep admiration for my family. Seniors in high school, my brothers could choose to throw themselves a pity party; I certainly did after learning that my initial internship was rescinded in response to the pandemic. Instead, they choose to hustle more and peer-lead (socially distant or virtual) sports, school, and scouts. I cannot tell you how many times, too, that people come up to me and express gratitude for what my parents contribute to my hometown. Even through a screen, my brothers and parents continue to better their community, teaching me to remember the importance of helping others.
I hope my inner circle knows how much they mean to me. From friends in my major to my childhood peers to 108, how fortunate I feel to have found the right people! I neither would have imagined that I would find myself lucky to call them lifelong friends nor that I would call 108 my home. Today, 108 is my home not because of its coziness space but because of the people I live with. Living with new roommates, each of whom I consider family, I better understand how to be there for someone. I know this sounds silly at first. However, these “roomies” changed entirely my perspective on what it means to care for friends and, more importantly, show it. I can easily list times when each of my roommates had my and each other’s backs. Before living at the famous 108, I dreamt about returning to the city but now dread the thought of separating from the future Big-4 accountant, veterinarian, and professional sports team manager. Looking back, I find it hard to believe that we somehow came together and, well, here we are!
“Laughter is the best medicine.” Sounds cliché but I cannot agree more, especially after trudging through the twists and turns that 2020 slammed us with. One of my favorite parts of the day is around dinner. After classes, my roommates and I often find ourselves nearly dying of laughter while sitting at the table. As a high-strung, easily stressed person, I would never trade in these “dishing” sessions that help me refocus and reset after a stressful day.
With style,