A Recap of 2020 and Running to the New Year

Hello, my stylish friends! Well into the fall of my junior year, I neglect this this platform more and more. I carve little time out of the day to take care of myself: a pain point of mine I must hold myself accountable for. Amid my coursework, research (finally finished!), and internship search (also done–phew!), I re-evaluate how I balance what I love with my health and wellbeing. The transition from go, go, go to–at the peak of the pandemic back in March–seldom leaving the house reminded us to check-in on people and stay focused throughout the uncertainty. However, this is easier said than done given the uncertainty, trauma, and fear.
I try to keep a consistent morning routine to calm the mind and return a sense of normalcy. As someone who is *not* a morning person, I begin my day with a cup of (black!) coffee and catch up on emails before remote classes and networking. Although I love listening to the Keurig as it brews a fresh Cup of Joe, I also look forward to when socializing at quaint coffee shops becomes normal again.
Back in March I realized, too, that I needed a hobby to clear the mind and thus rekindled my love for running, re-establishing my foundation during the spring to then amp up mileage throughout the summer. Now I maintain my steady, even-paced longer runs in hopes of signing up for a half marathon in 2021 (even if virtual!). I use running as my mental breather, where I separate myself from my worries to be present and enjoy my surroundings. Besides running, I also find joy in listening to podcasts and classic rock to then connect with friends and family over these creative outlets.
I question when and if the world will face another opportunity for deep introspection. In the meantime, I remember to accept what I can and cannot control and how my decisions affect those around me.
With style,